Pneus De Tomaso Longchamp
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De Tomaso Longchamp
- Le de Tomaso Longchamp est optimal sur un ensemble de pneus Michelin XWX de 215 / 70VR15.
- Une autre bonne option serait la 215/70 WR 15 Pirelli Cinturato CN12.
- Le tube intérieur Michelin 15/17H fournira le meilleur ajustement.
History of the De Tomaso Longchamp
After the De Tomaso Deauville failed to gain popularity the company tried again with a similar design built from 1972-1989, the De Tomaso Longchamo. Based on the Mercedes Benz 450SLC the car too sadly didn't capture the public's attention. Later on after gaining control of Maserati the car would be rebadged as a De Tomaso Kyalami with a Maserati V8 engine.